Ms. Trimyer

7th Enhanced Math/ 8th Math/ Algebra 

Hello parents and students! My name is Frances Trimyer, and I'm thrilled to return to ICSAtlanta for my third year. Born and raised in New York City, my family and I moved to Georgia in 2020, seeking new adventures. In addition to being a dedicated math teacher, I'm also a busy wife and mother to a six-year-old with boundless energy!

When I'm not in the classroom, you can often find me in the kitchen whipping up delicious meals for friends and family. I'm an avid sports fan who loves cheering on football, baseball, basketball, and soccer teams. Travel is another passion - I adore experiencing new cultures and places.

With over 20 years of experience teaching middle school math, I'm truly excited to start my second year at ICSAtlanta. My top priorities are creating an engaging, supportive classroom where every student feels motivated to learn and thrive. I look forward to collaborating with students and parents to make this school year a success!